What does your morning sadhana look like?

“Even if you could take a simple three minutes of self care every a.m. – to start your day, to nourish your soul…”

Here’s what Day 291 in our calendar year… on our matt looks like for me

Candle lighting, setting sankalpa

Spiritual reading – The Book of Awakening, The Bhagavad Gita, Earth Medicine, Yoga Sutras

3 1/2 Cycle Laya Yoga Chant

Breath of Fire

Surya Namaskar A (twice).

Surya Namaskar B (twice)

Surya Namaskar C (once)

Surya Namaskar C with free flow interpretation

The Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity

Resurrection breath

Bhu mudra


Peace, love & dogs,

Linda Benton

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